Wholemeal Spelt Bread with Seeds and Carrots
I have rediscovered bread baking for myself! And of course, it’s super handy to have a brother who is an artisan baker! I took one of his recipes and modified it a little. The result is a delicious wholemeal bread made from seeds and carrots that is rich in nutrients and keeps you satiated for a long time. It’s also really easy to bake and perfect for your breakfast or toasted.

My brother Milan first makes a scald. A scalded bread is nothing more than a little flour with boiling water poured over it, which you leave in the fridge for a few hours. This gelatinises some of the starch in wholemeal flour and makes your bread juicier overall. I explained this in more detail in my recipe for normal wholemeal spelt bread. It’s best to prepare the bread the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight. Then it all goes a bit faster in the morning! Same with the seeds, they are best soaked.
Besides, the bread goes almost perfectly with my wild garlic pesto, which I love sooo much! But now, let’s get ready to crumble!

- bowl, big
- bowl, small
- loaf pan, approx. 25 x 11 x 8 cm, ca. 1,75 l
Scald/Mother Dough
- 100 g wholemeal spelt bread
- 150 ml water boiling
- 30 g pumpkin seeds
- 40 g flax seeds
- 30 g hemp seeds
- 100 g sunflower seeds
- 40 g oat flakes
- 200 ml water for soaking
Main Dough
- 650 g wholemeal spelt bread
- 15 g yeast fresh, crumbled
- 15 g salt iodised
- 150 ml oat milk
- 2 medium carrots ca. 140 g
- 200 ml water lukewarm
- To make the scald, put the 100 g flour for the mother dough in a large bowl, pour boiling water over it and mix well. Let it soak in the fridge for at least 2-6 hours. You can prepare this very well the night before.
- Also, put the pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds and oat flakes in a small bowl and pour about 200 ml of water over them so they can soak. You can also prepare this bowl the night before. The seeds should soak for at least one hour.
Main Dough
- For the main dough, take the mother dough and add all the ingredients for the main dough except for the carrots. Mix everything well to a still sticky dough and then add the seeds and knead everything well for at least 5-10 minutes by hand or with a kneading machine. Leave your dough to rise in a warm place for about 45 minutes
- In the meantime, grate your carrots. After your dough has risen, carefully mix the carrots in without squeezing out the air. Now put your bread dough into your loaf pan lined with baking paper and let it rise for another hour.
- At the end of the baking time, preheat your oven to 240° C top/bottom heat and place an ovenproof container with approx. 100 ml water in your oven to create steam.
- Now put your bread in the oven and bake it for 5 minutes at 240° C top/bottom heat, then carefully remove the container of water and turn your oven to 200° C. After about 55-60 minutes, your bread should be ready to crumble. And as always: Enjoy to the fullest!
Tips for success
To ensure that your wholemeal spelt bread is nice and moist, I would recommend that you always prepare the scald and soak the seeds. Part of the starch becomes gelatinized and can no longer draw important moisture from your bread. Besides, the already soaked seeds no longer draw any liquid and leave it in the bread, where it belongs, to make it nice and moist. The soaking and sprouting as well as the beta-carotene from the carrots also help you to better absorb the iron from the pumpkin seeds, oat flakes and sunflower seeds. Iron is a critical nutrient that women, in particular, should keep an eye on. Plus, this whole-wheat spelt bread is rich in nutrients such as fibre, complex carbohydrates, essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and essential amino acids (protein) which are vital for our bodies.
By the way, my brother Milan also has a YouTube baking (“Milans Backwelt” – German language only) where you can learn a lot about this amazing craftmanship if you want to dip in baking with a “real baker”! 😉
Stay healthy and nuts!
Yours, Rosa 😉
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